
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

New Pickup - Castle of the Mad Archmage

I picked up Castle of the Mad Archmage Sunday - I waited until AFTER I ran the February session.  Otherwise, I would have been distracted.  Oh look a squirrel! This is the re-imaging of Castle Greyhawk by +Joseph Bloch . Which as I was one of the people TSR ripped off with their re-imaging of it, I was very happy to come across.  If I can find taht one in a box in the basement, perhaps I'll do a compare (there isn't any) and contrast piece on them.   So far I've read down to level 5, haven't gotten to the Maps and Illustrations books yet, but it is very well done.  I picked up both the PDF and the soft covers, so I should have a package arriving in a few weeks.  At this rate ,looong before Autarch gets my Domains at War Kickstarter book to print.


  1. Before I ask this, I'm not poking the bear, I'm geuninely interested in the answer.

    What do you mean by "Which as I was one of the people TSR ripped off with their re-imaging of it, I was very happy to come across."

    How did they rip you off? Who else was ripped off?

    1. It's the middle of winter, the bear is hibernating. I purchased the TSR Castle Greyhawk module in '88, thinking that it was based on EGG's oft alluded to and never seen original mega-dungeon, rather that the mean spirited crap that was produced to capitalize on the interest in the setting. It may be in that box in the basement, but I haven't found it yet. If it turns up, I'll do a comparison.

    2. Oh! That makes so much more sense!

      Yeah, that thing is a crap fest.
