Day 4 brings me to the first game I ever bought, Fantasy Games Unlimited Chivalry & Sorcery by Ed Simbalist and Wilf Backhaus. It's been one of my favorite games for over forty years and I did a write up of it here several years ago so I'll let you follow the link rather than repeating the text in this post. I've written a fair number of posts over the years about or referencing the game.
I will say the mechanics are kind of kludgely and after spending 2020 doing solo-play with it off and on, I'm probably done with most of the game system mechanics. Other systems are just more streamlined. With that said, it is still, after four decades on my shelf, one of my go to books for world and campaign design.
Character creation would take me about two hours - if I hadn't wrote my own Google Sheets character generator.
Name: Aquila Heyworth
Aquila did very well on his d20 characteristic rolls. The 20(2) Superhuman strength level makes him into a killing machine, for as we'll see below C&S doesn't add damage - it multiplies it. His only real poor characteristic is his low Constitution, probably due to poor childhood nutrition or something like that. The Frame of Average Height & Average Weight determined how to read the tables on which his height and weight were rolled. He's very average.The only calculated value in this section is Charisma and his is through the roof due to his Appearance (helped by his Dexterity, Bardic Voice, Intelligence and Wisdom. His Strength is the cherry on top as people have a lot of respect for someone who can tear them apart.
The Combat section are all calculated based on the Characteristics. His Body & Fatigue (hit points basically) are mostly due to his character class (see Vocation below), Superhuman Strength and his Intelligence - he fights smart. His low Constitution isn't low enough to penalize him.Character Creation Challenge Posts:
2021 Character Creation Challenge
NOW this is a game I need to get a copy of and learn. I have wanted to try it for years. This challenge has really made me want to learn more about it.